Vedicarcheologicaldiscoveries's Weblog

About discoveries that confirm the Vedic view of history

About this Blog and Stephen Knapp

This blog is about recent Archeological Discoveries that support the Vedic view of world history and development. It is maintained by Stephen Knapp.



         Stephen has dedicated himself to spreading the deepest and most practical levels of spiritual knowledge about the soul–our real identity. It is his strongest realization that our existence on this earthly plane becomes much easier and more vibrant the more we expand our spiritual awareness to perceive the higher dimensions and purpose of things around us.

        Though this world may give us numerous challenges, when we rise above the basic materialistic view and its limited search for solutions, our evolutionary development on all levels greatly accelerates. By recognizing that we are all spiritual beings who are, basically, attempting to achieve the same essentials for our existence–namely love, acceptance, harmony, peace, and happiness, not to mention the ordinary needs of food, water, clothing and shelter–we can reach a new level of cooperation with each other. Then everything can be much easier for everyone. It is Stephen’s conviction that this can be attained by the distribution of genuine spiritual knowledge. This is one of Stephen’s purposes in what he does.

        It is through this means that we can discover who we are and get a better understanding of what is our position in this universe and our relationship with God. Fortunately, many of the answers to the numerous questions in this regard have already been given, as seen in the ancient spiritual texts of the East. These have provided not only the insights but also the timeless methods for our continued spiritual development. Stephen has studied these numerous ancient texts and practiced the methods prescribed therein for over 30 years. He is now presenting this enlightening information in a much needed, concise, and easy to read format.

        Stephen Knapp grew up in a Christian family, during which time he seriously studied the Bible to understand its teachings. In his late teenage years, however, he sought answers to questions not easily explained in Christian theology. So, he began to search through other religions and philosophies from around the world and started to find the answers for which he was looking. He also studied a variety of occult sciences, ancient mythology, mysticism, yoga, and the spiritual teachings of the East. Finally, after his first reading of the Bhagavad-gita, the classic summary of Vedic philosophy known as The Song of God, he felt he had found the last piece of the puzzle he had been putting together through all of his research. This increased his understanding of everything else he had been studying. Therefore, he continued to research all of the major Vedic texts of India to gain a better understanding of the Vedic science, until he became a full-fledged follower and practitioner of Sanatana-dharma. Now he also tirelessly works to protect, preserve and promote the deep spiritual knowledge of Vedic philosophy and its traditions. An introduction to his research, books and numerous articles and projects can be found at his website:

2 Responses to “About this Blog and Stephen Knapp”

  1. aaRDee said

    Honoured to find you.

  2. kaushik said

    I found Krishna’s beautiful pics through your website and soon got attracted. Thank you very much!

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